Code of Principles

By adhering to these principles, Nukta Fakti verify any claims or facts received from sources or claimants. These principle are derived from other fact-checkers across the globe who adhere to the Code of Principles for Fact-Checkers of the International Fact-Checking Network.

Despite not being a signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), we have chosen to adhere to the Code of Principles for Fact-Checkers of the IFCN as our commitment to excellence in fact-checking.

Our commitment includes:

Commitment to Non-Partisanship and Fairness: We ensure that all claims are fact-checked using the same standard, without bias towards any side. Our fact-checking process remains consistent, and conclusions are drawn based on evidence. Nukta Fakti does not promote or take positions on the issues we fact-check.

Commitment to Transparency of Sources: We aim to provide transparency regarding our sources. Our readers should be able to verify our findings themselves. We provide detailed sources, except in cases where revealing them could jeopardize personal security. In such instances, we offer as much detail as possible.

Commitment to Transparency of Funding & Organization: Nukta Fakti is transparent about its funding sources. If we receive funding from other organizations, we ensure that they do not influence our fact-checking conclusions.

Commitment to Transparency of Methodology: We explain our methodology for selecting, researching, writing, editing, publishing, and correcting our fact checks. We encourage readers to submit claims for fact-checking and are transparent about why and how we conduct our fact-checks.

Commitment to an Open & Honest Corrections Policy: We publish our corrections policy and adhere to it diligently. Corrections are made clearly and transparently, following our policy, and we strive to ensure that readers see the corrected version as much as possible.

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