
Privacy Policy

Welcome to Nukta, a place where you can find digital content. Your privacy is important to us. That’s why we’re providing this Privacy Policy to explain how we handle your information online and the choices you have. When we talk about our services, we mean everything we offer collectively. People who use our services are called “Users”.

Information We Collect and How We Use It

At Nukta Africa Limited, we want you to know that we get information in two ways. First, you give it to us directly when you sign up for our site. This includes things like your email address, name, gender, and where you live. Second, we collect some information automatically, like data from your browser or device (like Chrome). We call all of this stuff “Information”.

We use this Information to answer your questions, let you know about things, keep everyone safe, and understand how people use our site. This helps us make our site better and gives you the content you want. Sometimes we share information with advertisers, but only with your permission or if the law says we have to.

Legal Process Requirement

Nukta may disclose the Information, if it is required in bonafide that the process may be in response to a legal process like law enforcement or government agency’s request or similar request. Fortification against misuse or unauthorized use of Nukta Africa Limited website.

Cookies and Other User and Ad-Targeting Technologies

We use cookies and other tools to make our services work and to show you ads. We might also share information with our partners to help them show you ads on our site or in our apps, and to understand how people use our site.

Most web browsers are set to accept cookies. You might be able to change your settings to get a warning before you accept certain cookies or to block them altogether. But if you do that, some parts of our site might not work right.

Links to Other Services

Our site might have links to other websites or services. Those places might have different rules about collecting and using information, so you should check their privacy policies.

Changes to Our Policy

We might change our Privacy Policy sometimes, so it’s a good idea to check back now and then. If we make any big changes, we’ll let you know.

AI Policy

1. Introduction

Nukta Habari acknowledges the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in shaping the future of media and journalism. As we embrace AI technologies to enhance our reporting, storytelling, and engagement with our audience, we are committed to upholding ethical standards, safeguarding privacy, and ensuring transparency in our AI practices.

We committed to harnessing the potential of AI technologies in service of quality journalism while upholding the highest standards of ethics, transparency, and accountability. Through responsible use and continuous evaluation, we aim to leverage AI as a tool for innovation and improvement while preserving the integrity and trustworthiness of our newsroom.

2. Principles

  1. Ethical Use: We will use AI technologies responsibly and ethically, ensuring that our utilization aligns with our values of integrity, accuracy, and fairness in journalism.
  2. Transparency: We will strive for transparency regarding the use of AI in our newsroom processes, clearly disclosing when AI tools or algorithms are used to generate or curate content.
  3. Accountability: We will hold ourselves accountable for the outcomes of AI applications in our journalism, continuously evaluating their impact on editorial decision-making and audience trust.
  4. Privacy Protection: We are committed to protecting the privacy and data rights of individuals, ensuring that AI tools are used in compliance with relevant data protection laws and regulations.
  5. Diversity and Inclusion: We will work to mitigate bias in AI systems and algorithms, actively seeking diverse perspectives and voices to inform the development and deployment of AI technologies in our newsroom.
  6. Editorial Independence: AI technologies will complement, not replace, human judgment in our editorial processes. Journalistic decisions will remain the responsibility of human editors and reporters.

3.   Guidelines

  1. Training and Awareness: We will provide training and resources to journalists and staff members on the ethical use of AI, including awareness of potential biases and risks associated with AI applications.
  2. Algorithmic Transparency: When AI algorithms are utilized to curate content or personalize recommendations for our audience, we will disclose relevant information about how these algorithms operate and the data inputs they rely on.
  3. User Control and Consent: We will empower our audience with control over their interactions with AI-driven features, allowing users to opt out of personalized recommendations or data collection where feasible.
  4. Fairness and Diversity: We will regularly evaluate AI systems for bias and discrimination, taking proactive measures to address any disparities and ensure equitable representation in our coverage.
  5. Data Security: We will implement robust security measures to safeguard data collected or processed by AI systems, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or misuse.
  6. Ongoing Evaluation: We will establish mechanisms for ongoing evaluation and review of our AI policies and practices, soliciting feedback from stakeholders and adapting our approach as needed to uphold our commitment to ethical journalism.

Marketing Data

Market Data Disclaimer Policy for Nukta Habari

At Nukta Habari, we aim to provide our audience with accurate and timely market data to facilitate informed decision-making. However, it’s crucial to understand that market data is subject to fluctuations and uncertainties inherent in financial and commodity markets. Therefore, we provide the following disclaimer regarding the market data presented on our platform:

Accuracy and Reliability

While we strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the market data provided, we cannot guarantee its completeness or timeliness. Market conditions can change rapidly, and data may be delayed or subject to errors.

For Informational Purposes Only

The market data presented on Nukta Habari is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice or used for making investment decisions. Users are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment or trading decisions.

No Endorsement or Recommendation

The inclusion of market data on our platform does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any particular investment or trading strategy. Users should exercise their own judgment and discretion when interpreting and utilizing the market data presented.

No Liability for Losses

Nukta Habari shall not be liable for any losses or damages incurred as a result of reliance on the market data provided on our platform. Users are solely responsible for their own investment decisions and should be aware of the risks associated with investing in financial markets.

Third-Party Sources

We may obtain market data from third-party sources, including financial exchanges, data providers, and other reputable sources. While we strive to select reliable sources, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of data obtained from external sources.

Terms of Use

By accessing and using the market data provided on Nukta Habari, users agree to abide by our terms of use and acknowledge that they do so at their own risk. We reserve the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue the market data service at any time without prior notice.

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